Benefice News

Here is the weekly news sheet for w/b 2nd February

Revd Joy and Bishop Jonathan

Revd Joy with Bishop Jonathan, her mum and husband Pete

There’s nothing like starting a new season with a bang and that seems to be the way that ministry has started for me at BCI. Last week Mike Williams and I spent most of the week talking about the centrality of prayer to Christian life to Year 7 at HTC (Horndean Technology College) and some RS options classes as well. We spoke to just over 300 students over the four days. The students were able to engage in prayerful activities using the Prayer Spaces in schools ideas and spent time thinking about mental health and resilience. Some of the prayers left were joyful, others were worried, anxious and heartfelt.

One of the themes that struck me most were the prayers that were written for grandparents who were ill or in hospital and how worried the students were about them. I thought about that largely unacknowledged connection whilst attending the Anna Chaplaincy afternoon at Portsmouth Cathedral alongside Dawn and our Anna Friends. Our visits to Care homes and the housebound are of huge importance but this year our challenge is to be more intergenerational. So we will be looking to bring the generations together in the coming year… watch this space!

As we start to enter discussions about our ongoing mission, plans to promote growth and to make stronger community links, let us finish with the LYCIG prayer:

God of Mission,
Who alone brings growth to your Church,
Send your Holy Spirit to give,
Vision to our planning,
Wisdom to our actions,
Joy to our worship
And power to our witness.
Help our church to grow in numbers,
In spiritual commitment to you,
And in service to our local community,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Every Blessing
Revd Joy

Revd Joy Windsor
Priest in Charge 07730 168291

We worship together on Sunday mornings, and are involved in many other aspects of church and village life.  We would love to welcome you to any of our churches and get to know you, so please click on the links to find out more.

With a wealth of history to explore, and many unique and beautiful features we are well worth a visit.

Latest News and Upcoming Events

Community Clothing Bank

Holy Trinity’s Clothing Bank at Blendworth Church Centre, Blendworth Lane, Waterlooville, PO8 0AA, will be open on the 4th Saturday of the month from 10am to 12pm or by appointment by contacting 07443 488864 or email Blendworth Church Centre.

What’s happening in The Benefice

You can find out about all our church services here. There are some special events in The Benefice coming up in the next few weeks. More details about these events can be found by selecting the images below.

Anna Chaplaincy

BCI Churches and the United Benefice of Catherington and Clanfield are looking for an Anna Chaplain who could come alongside our Anna Chaplain, Dawn, to accompany older people at this age and stage of their lives. It is an ecumenical, community-based, chaplaincy promoting the spiritual welfare of older people. Anna Chaplaincy is a person-centred and non-judgemental ministry for people of strong, little or no faith at all. We have expanded our ministry to 4 nursing and care homes and one sheltered housing complex. We are in need of someone willing to train as a Chaplain with the Diocese and to be able to work with our team of ‘Anna Friends’ to bring this ministry to our older residents. You would need to be able to give one to two days a month at minimum. Please talk to either Revd Richard or Revd Joy in the first instance.

About our Churches

Thank you for visiting our website which I hope you will find both welcoming and useful. The BCI Churches are a benefice of Holy Trinity in Blendworth, Saint Michael and All Angels in Chalton and Saint Hubert’s in Idsworth. However, we are more than just buildings; we are a community of people who are inspired by our faith in God, to learn from the teachings of Jesus and seek to be led by the Holy Spirit, to love and serve the community around us.

Our Safeguarding Policy

The BCI Churches are fully committed to the Church of England’s Safeguarding Policies. Our parish safeguarding statement to this effect can be read here.

Any safeguarding concerns about either children or vulnerable adults should be brought to the immediate attention of Ms Janet Laws, our Safeguarding Officer.

Registered Address:
Benefice Office,
Blendworth Lane,
Waterlooville, PO8 0AA

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