Electoral Roll

The Electoral Roll is a list of people who are committed members of the parish. Membership entitles people to attend and vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) and to be elected to the Parochial Church Council (PCC). It is used to determine eligibility for election to the Deanery, Diocesan and General Synods.

New Electoral Rolls are completed every 6 years; anyone wishing to become or remain a member must submit an application. The last update of the Electoral Roll was in 2019; there are updates and revisions in the intervening years.

Currently (June 2020) there are 101 parishioners on the Electoral Roll at Blendworth, 43 parishioners at Chalton and 54 parishioners at Idsworth.

New members may join by completing this application form and returning it to the Electoral Roll Officer.

To contact the Electoral Roll Officer please complete the Electoral Roll enquiry form.

Electoral Roll enquiry form

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