Mothers’ Union
The Mothers’ Union takes an active part in the life of our church, assisting with communion on a monthly basis at Holy Trinity.
If the ideals of family life rank highly in the priorities of your life, whether or not you are a mother, then do join the Mothers’ Union. For more information please get in touch with the Val Griffiths or the Benefice Office.
As well as having a regular series of interesting speakers, the members are a very supportive group, not only for one another, but also for all the other activities that take place in the life of our church. We are active in the area as a whole. For example we participate in special services in other churches, and at the Cathedral; we are involved in the family holiday scheme which provides holidays for families from inner city areas; run a crèche at the Portsmouth Law Courts and support the charity Southern Focus Trust.
The monthly meeting will be held as usual in the Church Centre Chapel every Thursday between 10.00 am to 12.00 pm. (Please note new time.)